Sara Marie Taylor
150 lbs
Edinburgh, Scotland
Signature Moves
Handstand Takedown, Pump-handle Suplex, Chick Kick, Diamond Dust, Butterfly Suplex
SWE Switzerland, W3L, ICW, Fierce Females, WAW, Pro-Wrestling EVE, ABC France, SSW, SWA, BCW, PBW, Target Wrestling, NEWA, Showcase Wrestling, PCW, Wrestlezone, EAW, WILD
Career Highs
2 x W3L Women's Champion, 2 x SSW Diamond's Champion
One third of Scotland's Hardcore Glamour alongside Carmel Jacob and Kay Lee Ray, the "Duchess of Destruction" Sara Marie Taylor started her journey in professional wrestling in 2005. Since then she has gone on to wrestle around the UK and into Europe.
Sara Marie is known both for her wrestling and valeting for "Tricky" Dickie Divers as part of the S.T.I.