A Month Of Mondays
THE Monthly Wrestling Podcast Magazine! Hosted by Carl of Monday Night Carlo Podcast & Gabriel Llanas.
YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSvaKU2CiUFyGjcxbvUHbuQ/featured
Twitter - https://www.twitter.com/mondayspodcast
Web - http://barrenspace.com/momwrestlingpod/
Take Me There

Morgan Webster's Wrestling Friends Podcast
The Modfather of British Wrestling brings his big mouth to the airwaves as he sits down each week with your wrestling favourites or as he calls them, his wrestling friends.
Listen via:
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Total Wrestling Show
The OFFICIAL UK's No1 prowrestling radio show!
Listen every Sunday at 7pm gmt / 2pm est PLUS other spot shows.
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The best WWE podcast? Find out for yourself and listen. We talk WWE, Latest News/Rumours/Gossip/Stories, we also have lead up shows to PPV's and also LIVE commentary for the PPV's.
Take Me There
The Steel Chair
The Steel Chair provide a weekly podcast with the Blunder Boyz talking about the best of the week in the wrestling world!
Take Me There

The Wrestling Mania
The Wrestling Mania is a network of podcasts that comes to you 3 times a week on TheWrestlingMania.com and on iTunes. The week kicks off on the Monday with The TNA Wrestling Mania Show, it's then turned over to the WWE guys as The Wrestling Mania RAW Recap Show arrives every Wednesday and on Friday our bread and butter, the main show, The Wrestling Mania Show where we all sit down together to discuss set topics in a roundtable style show.