Brookside's School Of Wrestling - Bull James (NXT Bull Dempsey) Training Seminar
Ringside World
Event Title: Brookside's School Of Wrestling - Bull James (NXT Bull Dempsey) Training Seminar
Event Date: 5th June 2016
Door Opening Time: 12:00pm
Event Venue: Waterfront Sports & Education Academy , Marjorie Street, Leicester, LE4 5GY

A fantastic opportunity to train with Bull James who was part of NXT/WWE

An opportunity to learn what is expected from the current talent that makes it through a tryout and eventually to the Performance Centre in Orlando, Florida

The training seminar will be 12 - 4.00pm and will cost £25.00 per person

This will include 'in ring' training in our new 18ft ring 

Places limited - Maximum 50.

So book early!